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Don't feel sorry for the withered flowers; if the flowers do not wither, the fruits will n~~还有哪些类似的句子?于是,小编为你收集整理了名言警句励志经典简短唯美英语。在此温馨提醒你在浏览器收藏本页。

1、Take good care of yourself and don't care about others.

2、quality matters more than quantity 质量比数量重要。

3、Your experience, people who have not experienced it will not understand.

4、To live is happiness. Don't complain about bitterness and tiredness.

5、Don't be afraid if you are tired. It means you are going uphill!

6、I can do what others can do.

7、Self-abandoned people can't stand up, self-improvement people can't fall down.

8、Lower expectations, you can reduce disappointment.

9、No failure, only temporary failure.

10、在艰苦中成长成功之人,往往由于心理的阴影,会导致变态的偏差。这种偏差,便是对社会对人们始终有一种仇视的敌意,不相信任何一个人,更不同情任何一个人。爱钱如命的悭吝,还是心理变态上的次要现象。相反的,有器度有见识的人,他虽然从艰苦困难中成长,反而更具有同情心和慷慨好义的胸襟怀抱。因为他懂得人生,知道世情的甘苦。 作者:南怀瑾

11、Intelligence comes from diligence, and genius comes from accumulation.

12、Do it in a planned way. Don't always make excuses.

13、Dysmenorrhea so many Jiao, the pain of the beauty to bend down!

14、Learn little from victory and much from failure.

15、Smile is the loneliness when everyone is drunk and I wake up alone.

16、We can be disappointed, but not blindly.

17、A life of expectation. The current taste of diet.

18、Life is like climbing a hill, step by step.

19、How much slander I can stand, how much praise I can afford alone.

20、No one will let you lose unless you don't want to win.


22、Don't feel sorry for the withered flowers; if the flowers do not wither, the fruits will not bear.