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Wave your hand. Well see each other again.~~嗨,你对上面的句子感兴趣吗?经典范文网特地为你收集整理“简短发朋友圈英文晚安心语(63条)”,在此提醒你收藏本页,以方便阅读!


1、Good evening Pass the blessing, warm you tonight; cordial greetings, wish you a lot of dreams.

2、Wake up every day the first time you think of is the last good night before you go to sleep is you give up simple? Tell me where you love me——每天醒来第一时间想到的是你 睡前最后一个发晚安的是你 放弃简单吗 告诉我 心在你那里 你让我爱谁

3、Hope your company, forever.

4、Afraid of what mountains and rivers, a place has a scenery, a person has a persons fate. good night.

5、I wish you a good sleep and sleepwalk to the Peach Blossom Land! good night!

6、你问我为何时常沉默,有的人无话可说,有的话无人可说。晚安。You ask me why I am always silent. Some people have nothing to say, and others have nothing to say. good night. Take a good choice of the road, do not choose a good road, you can have a real yourself. good night.

7、I will treat you like a cherry in summer. good night!

8、Ive helped you to see the horoscope of this week. How do you want me to express it. good night.

9、I will always love, even if lonely into the sea.

10、I only pretend to leave you stubborn, but did not really give up your strength. good night!

11、I would rather regret the change than regret.

12、Smile can be the past thing, why do it make people all know. good night!

13、When the night comes, say ^v^good night^v^ and wish you sweet dimples in your dream forever!

14、Dont worry, the best will come.

15、With you in my life, there's nothing I can't do. good night!

16、The rain stops, but the night is still concerned, baby, good night!

17、Goodbye, a deadly passer-by in my life.

18、Enter my lovesickness door, know my lovesickness bitterness.

19、I hope I can accompany you romantically, and more insipid. good night!

20、angelic dream 天使般的梦

21、The rest of life is not long, life is very expensive, learn to love yourself!


22、The bulls eye is higher than the dogs.

23、Youth is not at all. Pleasure is not what you want.

24、Sometimes, the flowers fall, no nostalgia, walk away, no request, sooner or later will come.

25、The world is not worth it, but you are.

26、I have so much in my life. I don't mind giving it all to you. good night!

27、With you, I have never envied anyone. good night!

28、Half night, how are you good night?——半个夜晚 你不在身边 怎么晚安

29、Worry and do not give a cent of the reward, why to perform for it, good night.

30、Do you want to go bad? The kind I spoiled. good night!

31、Your happiness will continue in your sleep, and your expectations will be realized in your sleep.


33、Walk with me at night、I want to hold you.

34、May you have a honey like mood when you open your eyes tomorrow. Good night.

35、May your troubles become empty in the journey of life. Good night, friend!

36、Pay does not necessarily have the harvest, the effort is worth it. good night!

37、As long as you are always with me, other things are no longer important、good night!


39、Treat people with heart and try to do things. Dont force, dont complain, smile safe. good night.

40、Silent silence, melting the past persistent.

41、Falling at night you do not understand what a good night I mean,——夜幕落下你不懂我的一句晚安是什么意思、

42、The greatest generosity to the future is to give everything to the present、good night.


43、To be irreplaceable, you have to be different. good night!

44、A flower withered and barren can not waste the whole spring, a setback can not waste the whole life. good night.

45、May God bless my love, and I alone remain.

46、When fatigue comes, it's time to go home. It's time to rest.

47、If I am a wanderer, you are the world.

48、I want to go to your home for new years Eve, and then get the lucky money from your parents. good night.

49、The filial son in the world is easy to seek, and the kind grandchildren in the family are rare.

50、Let us dream of tomorrow where we can truly love from the soul, and know love as the ultimate truth at the heart of all creation让我们梦想着一个明天,那里有从心底升腾起的爱,我们终将明白一个真理,爱像一颗充满创造力的心。

51、God can forgive evil, but he cant live.

52、The world is just a dream, only a beautiful woman can caress my heart. good night!

53、Be a woman who makes men uneasy.

54、I like that you are not only ambitious, but also a thief、good night!

55、I dont want to do anything every day except you.

56、A good dream has been realized, from then on, it has been happy for a long time.

57、I dont care about you, but I fell into your arms.


59、My smile can be given to anyone, but my heart can only be given to one person. good night!

60、How did you die? Not yet poor.

61、Follow you, where and what you do.

62、You emptied my personal history and reconstructed my timeline.

63、Wave your hand. Well see each other again.